Ētahi atu Related Autobiography
I roto i te Putanga o te Schizophrenia Paranoia - Te Metamorphosis o tetahi tangata na roto i te Hinengaro na Larry Podsobinski
Waea i te iwa ki te kii kei te ora koe na Linda Hart, i whakaputaina e Pan Books.
Whakaorangia ahau na Judy Lee
Ko te Diary a Vaslav Nijinsky na Vaslav Nijinsky
21st Century Schizoid Man na WHClark
I waho na (Kore ingoa)
Ko te haurongo o te kotiro Schizophrenic na Marguerite Sechehaye
Kua Whakaora, Kaore i Ora na Richard McLean
Percival's Narrative: A Patient's Account of his Psychosis , 1830-1832 ētita Gregory Bateson
Te ra i tu ai nga reo na Ken Steele
Tukemata me etahi atu ika na Anthony Scally
How the Wind was Laughing by Francis McDonnell
Ko enei anake taku e mohio ana. Tena koa korero mai ki te mohio koe ki etahi atu.